Thursday, October 23, 2008

Charltzy Scandal Update: Charltzy sleeps nude in Oxygen tent which he believes gives him sexual Powers

A woman reacts to the news that Charltzy is once again sleeping nude. Stock photo Courtesy of Tabbzy Images Inc.

Thats right, sexual predator J.R.R Charltzy , (Known Aliases' : The Fiddler , Gary"Charltzy"Glitter, Hernandez Pedo, The Snake Charmer, One eyed Jackass, Tom,Dicks and Harry) has been spotted sleeping nude in a futuristic oxygen tent not unlike one that Micheal Jackson used to bathe'...

Charltzy was not availible for comment but his press assistant did remark to reporters camped outside his Tokyo apartment that accusations are only "a half truth"..

Stay tuned for the latest scandal updates....



Unknown said...

My name is Charltzy and I approve this message.


Anonymous said...

Hi Tabbzy. I hope you aren't doing this in anticipation of number 3 in the Top Ten Lollywood films...that one ain't a porno. It could be, but I'd much rather watch a good car chase between a green Mustang and a black Charger down San Francisco's hills. I hope you're not changing your name to Haywood Jablowme. This is quite interesting, actually, because all that talk about the BBC advertising penis enlargement and you're the first one who decided, "I'm gonna stop being an average man and surprise her with a bigger penis."
Hi Charltzy. Can you believe Tabbzy called me a blowjob? There's not one good comeback...Oh yeah, Tabbzy? Well, so are you! (Another typical 'Monday' in the life of...)

Unknown said...

Tabbzy's new found fame has gone to his head.

Christ, he does one dancing/shooting scene and he thinks he's Marlon Brando.
