Twatter allows users to send daily "Twats" to their friends, colleagues and enemies, describing exactly what twattish thing they are doing at the moment.
When the user logs in they are greeted by the simple question:
"What Twatty thing are you doing right now?"
The user can then respond in less than 140 characters.
Several celebrities have signed up to the service including Jonathon Ross, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jimmy Carr who keep fans updated with their twat-headed daily routines.
Twatter was started in 2006 by Jack Dorsey (Dozzy to his friends), who noticed that the most popular thing about social networking sites like FaceBook and MySpace was simply the status updates.
"I realised that people generally just want to tell others how much of a twat they are" said Dozzy, when asked how he had the idea for Twatter.
"Stupid shit people feel they need to share with everyone else was a gold mine just begging to be exploited!"
Tabbzy and Charltzy approve this message.
Join The BanterCast on Twatter by clicking here. (or in the side bar)
Redecorating my cave...bombshells on mantle.
Damn Portuguese dog...
The bastard love-child of Tweety bird and Sylvester cat?
Me again, can't stand soap opera persons.
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