Many people have wondered about the fate of the BanterCast, which since episode 2 has not seen any new instalments.
Everything was looking rosy for The Tabbzy and Charltzy Show, a new deal signed with Apple to have the show available on the iTunes store, Tabbzy involved in a major Bollywood production and Charltzy's court case finally being resolved.
Unfortunately the banterous duo have been accused of several major international crimes and are currently being held in Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba.
President-elect Barack Obama, a friend and fan of the show, is currently considering shutting down Guantanamo (known as "Gitzy Bay" by the locals) in order to free the 2 Bantercasters.
Until Obama is sworn in on the 20th of January, the anticipated third episode of the BanterCast will never go ahead.
Readers are encouraged to leave messages of support for Tabbzy and Charltzy in the comments section below.
Stay tuned to the BanterBlog for any updates.
Updated by a defence representative of her Majesty's Government.
Enjoying your cockmeat sandwiches?
Hi, guys. Hey, I heard they've got a great shower system in Guantanamo Bay Prison, one which sensually massages you as it constantly alters the water temperature to offer the best of Tropical, Reindeer Delight, and Hell's On Earth combinations of water conditions. When B.O. ( :D ) shuts it down, and you guys come out, let me know how it was. Maybe I should get it installed in my bathroom, if it's any good. Coupled with a mood-sensing ambient light display, I heard it makes the prison shower experience a calm, soothing affair. Oh, a bit of advice, sticking a razorblade where the sun don't normally shine will ensure that if fellow inmates wish to join you in the shower room, they will think twice before doing so (don't ask how I know that). Unless, of course, if you'd like to see the ambient lights change colour faster than a dictator getting rid of democracy... Oh, by the way, do they offer a choice between baked potato and french fries with the Kobe beef steaks? Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
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