Tabbzy drew huge crowds in Pakistan yesterday with his announcement that he was to star in a Bollywood movie.
Tabbzy had previously been a campaigner against Bollywood movies, but had recently had a change of heart.
"I saw one on TV the other night and it was alright" he said, leaving his hotel room.
Tentatively titled "Dance, Shoot, Sing" the action cop movie intends to break the mold of traditional Bollywood movies by featuring less than 35 dancing and singing scenes, apposed to the usual 120 required by the government.
Dance, Shoot, Sing does not have a final release date as yet, but hopes are for a Summer 2009 release.
Hi, TTACS. Wow, that movie sounds promising. I've been hearing rumors that Lollywood will want to pick up Tabbzy as their starring man after his foray into Bollywood movies. Probable film titles have been floating around, and the Top Ten include:
10. The Wizard of Lahore
09. Why Get 1000 Copies When You Just Need 1?
08. Road To Partition
07. Thank You For Smoking (On The Job)
06. Iftar Wars - The Terrorist Strikes Back
05. Badman (might rename to Powerman) - The Dark Night
04. Whose Lights Are Out, Anyway?
03. Practice Makes A Girl Perfect
02. Somebody Gonna Get A Hurt Real Bad
01. (drumroll...) Kashmiri Chai
They'll all have the usual mix of lies, deceit, blackmail ( ! ), violence, random non-physical love scenes shot against an alpine backdrop and a stunning car-chase sequence through the hills and streets of San Francisco featuring a Highland Green Ford Mustang GT 390 Fastback and a Black Dodge Charger 440. Oh, no, wait...
Thats Right Anom..My star is rising,albiet without the need for any Viagra tablets what'so ever..
Actually, u nearly hit the title of my new movie with the 1000 and 1..
BUT this has recently been updated to "Why Dance 1 time, When You can Dance 1000 times ya frickin blowjob"
Premiere is to be in Bangkok..
I heard some other blockbusters were being made in a bollywood style.
01.Burn After Bleeding.
02.An Indian High School makes a Musical.
03.Pineapples On Your Express Train.
04. Saw (This film before)
05. Tropical Thunder Storms.
06. The Boy In The Brown Jamawar Kurta.
07.City Of Emeralds & Ruby Rings.
....lollywood. classic.
I wonder if they'll recruit someone useful to do the musical score for all these films. I'd be happy to do it for minimal wage (do they pay any higher?) if it weren't for the following probable artists desperate to make the cut (and minimal wage soundtrack money):
10. The Dead Bhuttos
09. Bomb Jovi
08. Dire Economic Straits
07. The Carbombingans
06. Counting Crows and Bodies
05. Poo Fighters
04. Guns N' Guns
03. Iron-veiled Maiden
02. Savage Gardeners
01. Bangles and Other Accessories
Some hip-hop artists who weren't happy with the money (they can't be seen arriving at the premier in slightly-stretched limos, now, can they?) were really looking forward to associating themselves with the burgeoning Lollywood film industry, but they've found satisfaction in selling out to major corporations and record labels to deliberately contradict their own lyrics to prove that they're still against dogma. Be it their own word.
Amen Anom.. Amen my child
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