We're asking all fans of the show to take pictures of the BanterCast logo in a banterous place.
Some suggestions:
-Sellotaped to the back of a policeman's head.
-Attached to a Bernard Manning DVD.
-Stuck on your face while driving a car through an exploding building.
-All of the above simultaneously.
What you will need:
*A print out of the image below
*A camera
*A banterous disposition

(click on the image to get the full sized version, innit)
When you think you've got a winning pic, send it to Tabbzy & Charltzy by any of the following unimaginative ways:
Facebook facebook.com/bantercast
Twatter twatter.com/bantercast
E-mail thebantercast@gmail.com
What are the prizes I hear you scream?
RUNNERS UP: Signed BanterCast images with personalised message!
FIRST PRIZE: An interview with Tabbzy and Charltzy, that will be feature in a future episode of the show!!