In a similar vein to shows like Big Brother and Survivor, members of the public will be chosen to live in a lavish New York apartment and filmed for 24 hours a day, for a duration of 22 and a half months.
The catch however, is that when a "Roomie" is evicted they are shot in the face - live on TV.
An extract of the press release from HBO about the show:
The first season of Roommates will feature six wild and crazy guys and gals who represent a wide cross-section of people in the United States;
Joel Jefferson the jock, Sadie Humperdink the bisexual taxidermist, Frank Goldberg the Jewish Nazi, Dirk Tessler the ex-Navy Seals Commando turned make-up artist, Georgia Washington the stripper with a secret (cock) and Sabrina Shitzler the part-time sexy garbage disposal worker and full-time member of the KKK.
Every day will feature a new and painful challenge for the "Roomiez" to try which folks will love watching at home!
Some activities include;
*BATH BOMB! - Roomiez will try and lie in a bath of acid for as long as possible, first one to jump out gets shot in the face!
*CEREAL KILLER! - Roomiez will try and eat as much cereal as possible, the catch? It's made of glass and the milk is actually acid!
*HEAD IN THE OVEN! - Same rules as BATH BOMB but this time featuring a gas oven!
......and many including: CELINE DION CONCERTS and watching SEASON 21 of THE SIMPSONS!
Despite several years of attempts to broadcast live executions before by HBO, this show is actually the first of it's kind in the United States.
Before now, only hangings in foreign countries (Saddam Hussein) and popular murder trials (OJ Simpson) were allowed to be shown in detail, but a new law passed in the State of Texas will let any member of the public be shot in the face if they sign a waiver beforehand.
Roommates will start airing on the special "Roommates channel" from July 26th, the first execution will happen on eviction night, 2 weeks later.